FOEN Opens The Japanese Market Of Solar Rack System

FOEN Opens The Japanese Market Of Solar Rack System FOEN Solar Rack System can achieve outstanding results in the market, in addition to the pursuit of product quality, but also break the traditional design concept, pay more attention to the breakthrough and innovation of products. Relying on the upstream advantages of the aluminum manufacturing and production of the enterprise, the diversified extension of the products related to aluminum products is carried out. For example, the new 7-series alloy is used to replace the traditional 6-series alloy. Under the premise of maintaining the structural mechanical properties, the "lightweight" goal of lighter and smaller products can be achieved. At the same time, it is no longer limited to the research and development of the traditional photovoltaic bracket , but focuses on the combination of new Energy and traditional buildings. In 2019, the newly launched fully waterproof photovoltaic solar room, fully waterpro...